Giving young women a foundation for the future

The reason we’re here

How we started

We opened in 2000 primarily to offer disadvantaged young women education leading into employment. As the years progressed, so did the needs. 

How we developed

Even with education, when young women experience social exclusion or poor mental health, it affects their ability to access lifelong learning or employment. We therefore evolved into offering a holistic approach, providing educational, recreational and personal development opportunities over a two-year programme. 

What we’re doing now

The programme now includes education, skills courses, social activities, lectures, workshops, volunteering programmes, leisure trips and personal growth, in a culturally-appropriate environment, so that when they go out into the adult world they are prepared for employment and for lifewithout the shadows of the past lurking in the background.

Our Vision

A world where every young person has the opportunity to develop their potential and achieve a brighter future.

Our Mission

To provide disadvantaged girls with training, skills, social activities and personal growth in a culturally appropriate environment to prepare them for a productive adult life.

Our Values


We are an inclusive programme that values diversity and treats all our users with dignity and respect.


We recognize that we are stronger and better together and we encourage our users’ input.


We embrace continuous improvement and change in an ever-evolving world.


We are responsive and flexible and meet our users where they are.


We aim to reach our goals both to users and funders in a timely, transparent way.

Feedback from our funders